I, along with some members of my church's youth group, are going to see the new movie, "Amazing Grace," which comes out Friday. From what I can see in the previews, I looks like it'll be done well. Well, we'll find out when we see it a week from tonight.
Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book, "The Purpose-drive Life," has a blog which contains a substantial list of Christian bloggers. You can see this list at: http://rickwarren.typepad.com/rick_warren/2007/02/christian_blogg.html
Well that's it for now. Be well.
Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book, "The Purpose-drive Life," has a blog which contains a substantial list of Christian bloggers. You can see this list at: http://rickwarren.typepad.com/rick_warren/2007/02/christian_blogg.html
Well that's it for now. Be well.